Welcome to Memorial!
Family + Hope + Comfort 
These are the words our members and visitors think of when we ask them how they feel at Memorial.
We are a welcoming community. All are welcome here.
Come as you are. You can wear leggings and a t-shirt, and you can dress up. Our pastor wears sneakers and a stole. Be yourself.
We have coffee. At everything. 
We like to hug, but we'll ask first.
We want to grow and learn. We want to grow with you and we want to help you know Jesus better. We'd love to meet you.
Land Acknowledgement
Memorial United Methodist Church is located on the ancestral lands of the following nations:

Nʉmʉnʉʉ Sookobitʉ (Comanche) 
Ndé Kónitsąąíí Gokíyaa (Lipan Apache) 

Find the ancestral lands where you reside, worship or work at https://native-land.ca/

Communion: Giving and Receiving the Bread and the Cup
First Sunday of Each Month

The United Methodist Church offers an Open Table for sharing Holy Communion - ALL who desire to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ are welcome! This congregation believes that it is God's invitation that draws us to the Table, not the pastor's or our own initiative. 

We follow the pattern of Christ to give thanks, bless, and share the elements of bread and the cup as he told us to do in Mark 14:22-25 where Christ invites us to this table to experience his grace and his forgiveness.

Our communion offers grape juice, bread, gluten-free bread, and sealed options for immuno-compromized individuals. You may come up to the altar or we will come to you. We strive to be inclusive and for all to feel comfortable.