Meet Our Team

Rev. Dr. Robyn Bishop
  • Pastor
Dr. Daniel Swayze
  • Director of Music
Kc Nixon
  • Administrative Assistant
Jana Alexander
  • Financial Coordinator
Hannah Thomas
  • Wesley School Executive Director
Pat Marcum
  • Handyperson
Kerry McFarland
  • Financial Secretary
Church Leaders
God gives us different gifts, passions, and skills. We are grateful for the many who volunteer their time and energy to serve in this community. For more information contact our leaders:

Lay Leader: Kendall Smith

Lay Delegate: Kathleen Beuttenmueller

Lay Delegate Alternate: Linda Eaker

Lay Servant: Alberta Shelton and Connie Tatom

Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC): Kendall Smith and Susan Froebel

Church Council: Linda Eaker, Interim Chair

Nominations Committee: Rev. Dr. Robyn Bishop

Board of Trustees: Chuck Garner, Chair

Wesley School Board: Kathleen Beuttenmueller, Chair

Financial Secretary: Kerry McFarland